From Code to Community (Video)
Come to my HTML / CSS Workshop at RIT hosted by WIC
Please join me at RIT's Women in Computing meeting on October 5th where I will be hosting a Web Development Workshop covering HTML and CSS.
FeedMasher Project Finally Moving to Opensource
I am in the process of moving FeedMasher a web aggragation framework I have worked on for several years to open source. Details here: http://www.feedmasher.org/ Feedmasher is a system that is capable of gathering digital content from a wide array of sources such as traditional RSS feeds (ex: newsfeeds from cnn, bbc etc.) Twitter tweets, Youtube Videos, Instagram and more.
A Personal Portfolio Page and Blog on The Open Web
I recently stumbled upon a portfolio-style website that I liked, belonging to Dries Buytaert founder and lead of Drupal. I specifically like the About me section and think I am borrowing a few ideas from how he arranged content about himself. I also seem to agree with many of his principles on open web, although I have never been able to publicly phrase it as eloquently.
Moving my site to Drupal?
(Archive) Eye Tracking 101
(Archive) Traveling Lite: Highedweb Milwaukee 09
This year I was fortunate enough to attend the “Higher Education Web Professionals” conference (HighEdWeb for short) in Milwaukee WI. I say fortunate because we all know this was a year of economic woes, financial uncertainty, and a general sense that we’re doomed.