All RIT Video Lectures
Although you can find video lectures while viewing individual classes, I also wanted a place that shows all class video lectures in one easy to navigate spot. So behold the list of all my class lectures in one spot.
Note: Many of these are just casual Zoom recordings I did, they are NOT my well polished tutorials. To see some of my more refined works also visit the Tutorials section of jptweb!
Video Lecture – PHP Crash Course
Class: Rich Media Web Application Development I
A recording from a synchronous online class, we did a crash course on php as bonus material; thats sometimes covered in the course but not the main focus; not super polished but interesting nonetheless!
Video Lecture – Intro to Typescript and Transpiling
Class: Rich Media Web Application Development I
A not perfectly polished lecture, but nonetheless an example from class.
Video Lecture: Course Overview
Class: Foundations of Web Technologies I
Going over the basics on the first day of class